GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
gtgg;3947108; said:
I message him also. Is he still in the hobby?
I don't think so, he swore he wasn't doing it again after the tank broke.
just got his reply. hopefully he sex my RTGG on this thread.

from my understanding, there are 4 types of GG? i am thinking about getting all of them to complete the GG family. what size tank do you think i need?
gtgg;3949232; said:
just got his reply. hopefully he sex my RTGG on this thread.

from my understanding, there are 4 types of GG? i am thinking about getting all of them to complete the GG family. what size tank do you think i need?
I never thought about pm'ing him, master T have I got your latest email address?

Yup four types, but septasomethingorother is about as rare as rocking horse poop, I'll need to do some searching again, when we got George I read a ton of info on them.

Common Osphronemus

Red tail Osphronemus
laticlaviusElephant earOsphronemus exodon

The other one, which if I remeber correctly is more of a strain than a latin name.

And to answer the other question a fooking huge tank;)

gtgg;3941953; said:
i am still waiting for Tequila to sex my RTGG!!!

What is the size - lip to tail, approx age, and pls post a few more pics full body and head shots. Because the head/mouth area appears too be a female, but the coloration suggests a male, so I need more info.

P.S. It's best not to email me directly, better just msg's me in MFK and await a reply. Trying much do too much these days. Direct eMail is now for strict business, and if a name or eMail isn't recongized by myself or parttimer it maybe deleted. Sorry ppl, only parttaking in MFK lately has been in the Fishing section.
Tequila;3949786; said:
What is the size - lip to tail, approx age, and pls post a few more pics full body and head shots. Because the head/mouth area appears too be a female, but the coloration suggests a male, so I need more info.

P.S. It's best not to email me directly, better just msg's me in MFK and await a reply. Trying much do too much these days. Direct eMail is now for strict business, and if a name or eMail isn't recongized by myself or parttimer it maybe deleted. Sorry ppl, only parttaking in MFK lately has been in the Fishing section.

I know, it's so much easier to annoy you in person :-)

Mail me your new address..........
Well...I needed a sheriff in my tank to keep peace between my 16" ST and 16" SR Arowana....seems like the rest of the deputies in the tank just wasn't cutting it so this evening I employed a new Sheriff (Gold Gaint Gourami...almost pure white)...he comes with experience and is dressed in his best. He is roughly around 14-15" , almost pure white, calm and collected and came with his own 8-9" Albino Tinfoil...since his employment, the inmates mainly the ST has been behaving and not trying to chew on my SR...hope peace once again will rise again in this town...

The Sheriff Dressed in White.

His Deputy

Town Bully

Their Town
Nice, thanks for sharing
Heck with the GG's, I want those Rays. If I set up another tank it will be for Motto Rays. I'm tired of GG's for now.

And NO Yanbbrox that doesn't mean I would be using a BB tank.
Tequila;3955021; said:
Heck with the GG's, I want those Rays. If I set up another tank it will be for Motto Rays. I'm tired of GG's for now.

And NO Yanbbrox that doesn't mean I would be using a BB tank.
Sand it is then;)