Little update on the rainbow sharks for Andrew.
They are what they say on the tin , when you have read the tin. Don't keep 2 together, they are very territorial and if they see another they will go straight for the other one, according to the Lit the dominant one rules the tank and the other one stays vertical in a corner, this is so true. However there has been a slight twist in the rules, our big tank 'comes' with an internal filter which is fixed to the side. This broke form the side a few months ago when George hit it, since then it's been resting in the corner but it's slightly under the water lever now as apposed to just above it. There is tiny gap in it, a couple of days ago one went missing and was found hiding in the internal filter, finally got it out and a couple of days later the other one went missing, found today in the filter again. I can tell the difference because one had a split dorsal.
When getting the other one out today the went at it again, so we've moved one into the planted tank where it's getting on fine with the other small fish. The dorsal has healed completely, I'm getting good after all these years of fish keeping, I thought when I saw the split it would be fine and has healed it's self in under a week.
Keeping in track with the thread:
I've finally got Grace on to lettuce. I'm a huge fan of lettuce when it comes to GGs, it's a really good healthy food for the and keeps them entertained at a young age, she's been eating frozen food block after frozen block and they will not stop eating at this age but too much food is bad for them. This is where the lettuce comes in, it keep them busy hunting the food but does not fatten them up. At least I'm not going through a lettuce every few days as George would munch through.