I wiil make sure cornelius lives a long and happy life just like my other GG(Piggy). Im very passionate about GG's and cornelius is beautiful....he will have a good home for many years..
Entirely too many aquarists would have just euthanized him.
Youre a good guy for doing otherwise
Im going to spread the story. Maybe it will inspire someone else to rehab their own beaten up fish before just dumping a bottle of benzocaine in the tank and walking away.
Entirely too many aquarists would have just euthanized him.
Youre a good guy for doing otherwise
Im going to spread the story. Maybe it will inspire someone else to rehab their own beaten up fish before just dumping a bottle of benzocaine in the tank and walking away.
Its been my experienc that GG's are very particular with tankmates. My GG doesnt like anything over 6-7", so i keep him with africans. Most GG's are very grumpy and throw their weight around even to larger fish/tankmates. You should have gotten rid of the Oscars...
I agree get rid of the Oscars, because Oscars taste yucky, GG on the other hand taste great and make for good pets some people believe. That's what I always wanted was fish that kill everything and anything you put with them. And can eat you out of house and home on so many levels, not just buying some fish food on a monthly bases but also consuming and the veggies in the house and breakfast saugages but everything you can imagine except the kitchen sink. I can't think of another animal that require more room to be happy, that people wanna keep as pets and not as food. Except maybe honey Bees.
What is it with giant gouramis and bloody tank mates, it's like you can see the thought process:
1. 'New fish, much smaller than me, no threat, ignore'
2. 'New fish, much smaller than me, still no threat, might have ago anyway'
3. 'New fish, oh feck it, ATTACK!!!'
Yet another monster to be in a small grow out tank
It's going to be real fun and games when they all get together in the new tank and Fatty gets in a mood.