GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
my RTGG has a bend in his feeler that has just showed up about a week ago.its my guess but i asume he did it being nosey and swimming under driftwood.the tail as long as it isnt to the meat it will grow back but the time i cant say.
Should drop off and grow back as long as it's not too close to the body.
I have a small RTGG probably around 6". Right now I am feeding it pellets and kale. What's a good diet to feed them at this size? I've looked around, but haven't found a lot of info for their diet at this size.
I have a small RTGG probably around 6". Right now I am feeding it pellets and kale. What's a good diet to feed them at this size? I've looked around, but haven't found a lot of info for their diet at this size.
Lots of fruit and veg, lettuce, berrys, bananas etc.
I used to keep RTG from 5" to 20". It has big appetite when it reached 10". Its diet include pellet, fruits (apple, grape, banana), green leaf vegetable and meat. It is great to see them eating fruits and its help in its body shine and reddish colouring. It always behaves like a puppy greeting you, waiting to be fed. A great fish to own, but need to do alot of cleaning because of its high fibre intake.
i agree with its like a puppy.mine will press its face to the glass when im in the room and stay 6" away when my wife is.NLS pellets is his normal daily diet but i throw in romaine,green beans,algae waffers and tomatoes as treats 3 times a week.when mine doesn't get fed when he is ready he starts thrashing back and forth while mouthing at the glass so i know he isnt happy.:)