GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Strawberry's are always good, lettuce is also a good shout

Deep fried Saugage is even better, grease and all. Plus a hunk of warm three day old goat cheese as a treat is a wonderful thing especially if you first turn off the filter and leave it off for a few days, huh Yanbbrox. isn't that what those fishkeepers on that side of the pond feed there fish.

hey guys, just asking, between Giant gourami and RT G. Gourami, which is better in a community?
which of the 2 could i get put in 1 tank?
Thanks :)
It's a tricky one, two of either would require a huge tank. The short answer is two females, even then success is not guaranteed.
hey guys, just asking, between Giant gourami and RT G. Gourami, which is better in a community?
which of the 2 could i get put in 1 tank?
Thanks :)

I don't know about GG, but my RTGG juvie is very nasty towards anything else and is borderline serial killer..
my RTGG is in a community tank with the only problem being other fish is near his size then he is aggressive toward them.
i had taken the fake plants out of my tank last week to clean today im doing a WC and go to put them back in and my RTGG gets excited thinking he's getting romaine.i put them in and it pisses him off cause he isnt .so i just came home to find all but two ripped out of there base and now useless.

i gota share this one even tho i know im gona hear wife sets down and is looking at the fish and she looks at my endli bichir and says he looks dehydrated.i just stare at her,i couldnt think of a single thing to say to her. i just stood thinking how in the h... does something living in water look dehydrated.
update on my GG hehe 1st time i post was i think feb this year :)

is it a male GG?
thanks for the reps. i was thinking of selling my GG and get 2 small RTGG but if thats the case then i wouldn't want to risk it.
ill just add other fish into its tank..
Hey All,

I am Australian based and i have just had an opportunity to get a Red Tail giant gourami, I am dead keen as i have been looking for a while and they very rarely become available in OZ. I just have a few concerns about if he is a good one as info is hard to find on selecting a good one.

His "feelers" are not straight and true like some of the ones pictured they are more of a zig zag, is this a genetic problem. Apparently the guy i am buying them off just got them in so he is still abit stressed from the trip. Also a pink GG just took a nip out of his tail how soon after damage does meds need to be applied to fix the tail ?

All info would be appreciated

P.S. RDFISHGUY awesome tank how do the GG's go with the decorations ? I heard they like a sparse tank

All the info required is contained in this thread.its a long read but jam packed full of good info..
The filimental rays(feelers) are not a problem,they get niped,snagged and all kinds of worries if they are not perfect.
Most tail damage will grow back as well as any filimental ray damage...meds are not needed unless you want to medicate but the less you med the better for the GG as some meds inhibit the labryrinth organ from absorbing oxygen.
Any decor will be rearranged by your GG,they are very picky about their tank and most will attack anything too close to the tank..
hey guys, just asking, between Giant gourami and RT G. Gourami, which is better in a community?
which of the 2 could i get put in 1 tank?
Thanks :)
This will depend on the individual personality of the fish/s in question...