I live in OZ and finally got my hands on my second pink GG had to fly him down from another state. bought him at 10cm and im sure a week later hes is about 11cm or 12cm swimming alone in his 300gal. I will post updates ......... just very happy to have one as they are getting very hard to get in Australia and they make great pets.
Hi Rodger ........ I dont really understand your question if you google Kissing gourami and then google pink ( giant gourami ) you will see the obvios differences or you can read back threw this thread im sure it has come up a few times. Hope this helps.
Just a few more pics of Bruce. Had him or her for a couple of weeks now and eating like a horse Hikari floatin sticks and veg as main diet. He has come out of his shell in the past weekend and instead of hiding behind the overflow pipe he now cruises the tank and when he sees me comes straight to the glass and almost begs for food. Love this fish ........ can u tell lol.