GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Take Griller's fish, for example - NOW that is a nice fish - healthy.

Beautiful fish - interesting that they grow much slower.

Thanks mate. Any idea on the sex?

My pink one is now almost 2 years old and is about 18 inches now.

I'd like to see him. Any pics?

This was my much missed Pink before I was forced to sell him:

All pics of the same fish showing different colours...

Can someone sex this fish for me???

WOW! That's an awesome RTGG. This looks male to me, the dorsal is more pointed than mine and way more colorful. What are you feeding? Mine loves strawberry’s, Brussels sprouts, crickets, basically anything even watermelon! I agree, very slow grower. Mine is 5 years old now and maybe 16”.
No idea on sex yet - still very young. I am sorry to hear you had to sell the pink one - that looks like an adolescent male.

Mine is actually on here - and is a female. I'm not sure if we can search within one particular thread - if you can, then you'll find Starbuck, my girl.
I agree with the others, it's probably a male but still a bit early to tell. All the signs point a male.
WOW! That's an awesome RTGG. This looks male to me, the dorsal is more pointed than mine and way more colorful. What are you feeding? Mine loves strawberry’s, Brussels sprouts, crickets, basically anything even watermelon! I agree, very slow grower. Mine is 5 years old now and maybe 16”.

Thanks Egon, this fish is an incredibly finicky eater. Not very gourami like at all. He's eating baby spinach, blue stricta, and occasionally nibbles on siamese fighter food. I bought him all kinds of pellets but he rejects them all. I've also tried banana and peas but he wouldn't touch them. Won't take feeders either. Seems to have reasonable colour without the enhancers tho and he appears to be growing. This fish also hides a lot which isn't easy in a 4'. Good news is he doesn't hassle small fish so he's in with a few.

No idea on sex yet - still very young.
I agree with the others, it's probably a male but still a bit early to tell. All the signs point a male.

Thanks guys, appreciate your input. Will post again as he/it matures.

I am sorry to hear you had to sell the pink one - that looks like an adolescent male. Mine is actually on here - and is a female. I'm not sure if we can search within one particular thread - if you can, then you'll find Starbuck, my girl.

Not as sorry as I was!!! I miss him. Thanks for the empathy. I searched for starbuck but found nothing.

Here he is with "I need a coffee" early morning colours:

My boy nearly 2 years old now

WOW!!! What is his behavior like? I'm a bit concerned by my RTGG as it hides 70% of the time and only picks at food.