GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I was thinking on getting the 4inch one at my LFS , but as i am not sure on it's full size im really not sure if i should get him .
djarmstrong;2549791; said:
I was thinking on getting the 4inch one at my LFS , but as i am not sure on it's full size im really not sure if i should get him .
Plan for the following, if you get one at 4'' it will grow upwards of 1-1.5'' a month until it gets to about 11-12'' before it slows down. Max size around 24'' depending on type. These fish will not grow to their tank, a lot of people make this mistake, plan ahead:)

Any more questions, ask away
Yanbbrox;2549823; said:
Plan for the following, if you get one at 4'' it will grow upwards of 1-1.5'' a month until it gets to about 11-12'' before it slows down. Max size around 24'' depending on type. These fish will not grow to their tank, a lot of people make this mistake, plan ahead:)

Any more questions, ask away

I know that they wont grow to their tank . No fish does , i am only asking on the full size ( which is 24inch as you are saying ) and if there is a diffrent name of them .

Thank you for replying to my post anyways .
i have a 120Gal tank anyway so i think 2foot fish would be a bit cramped in there if i did get him , and as i have no room for a larger tank i prob's wont be getting him .
djarmstrong;2549887; said:
I know that they wont grow to their tank . No fish does , i am only asking on the full size ( which is 24inch as you are saying ) and if there is a diffrent name of them .

Thank you for replying to my post anyways .
Sorry, I meant no offense.

Chances are they are labeled as giant gourami or red tailed gourami. Both get to roughly the same size, other variants are quite rare, some only documented
Yanbbrox;2549915; said:
Sorry, I meant no offense.

Chances are they are labeled as giant gourami or red tailed gourami. Both get to roughly the same size, other variants are quite rare, some only documented

Na it's ok , it is labled as a Vampior Gourami , but as i have not heard of thay sort before i wasnt sure if it is labled correctly . As i Did a search on Google and couldnt find anything about them .

I have had a GRTG before got about 10inch but saddly i had to get rid of her about 2 months back because of her getting beat up by my Blackbelt Cichlid too much .
djarmstrong;2550007; said:
Na it's ok , it is labled as a Vampior Gourami , but as i have not heard of thay sort before i wasnt sure if it is labled correctly . As i Did a search on Google and couldnt find anything about them .

I have had a GRTG before got about 10inch but saddly i had to get rid of her about 2 months back because of her getting beat up by my Blackbelt Cichlid too much .
Vampior gourami, could be exodon, due the teeth, everyone thinks I guess that too much
ok guys heres that vampior gurami ive been talking about, i wish i owned him



notice the sign lol, sorry about the crappy pics they are off my mobile