Great news,My Channa-ornatipinnis have laid eggs

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
tropheus;2703847; said:
well done mate , that is a first recorded spawning of ornatipinis

feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp once they are free swimming , they may provide feeder eggs.

so glad you managed this , something that we though was going to be near impossable , really well done.

if you need any help just pm or mail me at i will try and help where i can ,but you are now in unknown territory

very interesting the eggs are at the surface , till now they where assumed mouth brooders

cheers col
Thanks col i will probally inumdate you with questions,,iam just hoping the eggs do not go all mouldy....:eek:
yes it is intresting there at the surface but i have thought one of two things maybe they feel safe enough in the tank to leave them free or maybe its because its there 1st time and unsure what there ment to be doing, much like cichlids...:nilly:
When i had my breeding angel pair it took 6 attempts before i actullay got to free swimmers but even then never sucsessfully reared any as sold them on in the hope someone who knows what they were doing could do better,,only thing ive ever managed to breed sucsessfully and make loads of money with was bristlenose plecs...made a packet with them

pps the 1st two pictures you will see the egg gaurder in the foreground and the other one who has nothing to do with the eggs in the rear behind the bogwood
they all look fertile , identical to pulchra , you should see signs of hatching in 24-48 hours
at first you will see little eyes and then a little tail , they seem to grow out of the egg , they may realease even more yet , sometimes they spawn over a few days , and if like pulchra often breed again while the fry are still in the tank.

you will have no problems selling these , and no reason why most of them will not make it .

fingers crossed for you .

cheers col
yes its round18c.......will go and stick in a temomitor now......hehe hope they make it as everyone wants the weight of the world on my shoulders...just hope i do not wake tommorow to find them mouldy or eaten......thats what always happened with the angels.....should i blacken of the tank or stick a towel over it, or just turn off light and leave natural light to do its stuff?
just leave everything as normal , dont change a thing but leave them nice and quite . they should be good perants like most channa , and will not eat the eggs . they would be more milky if unfertile they will make

you may find they look like they are eating some of the eggs , but all they do is take any strays in there mouth and them realise them through there gills with the others.

once free swimming they will take new hatch brineshrimp i also added a small amount of very fine crushed carnivoire pellet ( fine as in powder ) after 3-4 days free swimming they also took that . you could also use cyclops . the good thing about the powder is it stays at the surface and is easy for them to eat ,

cheers col
yes i did that with the angel fry,,,put it in a garlic crusher worked wonered a very fine powder, i also used micro worms<any good>how do i do brine shrimp, arrr my mate owns a lfs and has brineshrimp for all his betta fry, if i get some from him freshly hatched will they survive in a tub?
micro worms will also be fine , its fairly hard to keep brine shrimp alive ,

if your not sure on them use the micro worms they will be fine , and add brineshrimp as and when you can get them off your mate , to keep them alive you need to put them in a container with an airstone and salt water and add phytoplankton
after a week or so free swimming you can use daphnia , i useally just put 4 or 5 bags in the tank the smallest ones will survive in the tank for a few days. once they start taking the crushed pellet you have cracked it as you can just slowley increase the size and they have all the nutriants that are needed

cheers col