• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Green Terror in 55-Gallon

I thought one of the subspecies stayed smaller, but maybe a rainbow or convict or something that tops around 6 or 7 inches would be better

I believe I'm going to ditch the cichlids. I may go with an Asian and SA-themed setup with Setups 1 and 2 combined (idk for sure yet).

Also, at my local PetSmart, they have a sweet deal where I can get a box of dragon stone (real) for about $30. I think the box is 5-10 lbs I don't remember lol.
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The unfortunate reality of scaping a big tank with fancy rocks is that it will cost a lot. You will need at least 20+ pounds of rock to scape a tank like that, and that’s assuming you also include wood and plants in the scape.
The unfortunate reality of scaping a big tank with fancy rocks is that it will cost a lot. You will need at least 20+ pounds of rock to scape a tank like that, and that’s assuming you also include wood and plants in the scape.

I wasn't actually going to go for wood; I was going to go for plants and rocks. I have ways of getting rocks for cheaper, though...
Hey y'all! I think I've figured out my tank...finally. Here is what I was thinking:

5 Pearl Gouramis, 1 Striped Raphaels, 6-9 corys (I'm not exactly sure what breed, I'm thinking Emeralds), and 2-3 Vampire shrimp.
Dojos loaches have been known to get up to a foot in big tanks/good care. They're a cooler water fish. Warmer temps reduce lifespan. Just thought I'd toss this out there. But they're super cool and interactive.

I'm still considering one of those...thing is, I don't really want a school of loaches. I prefer to have a single loach. Is that possible? Are there any loaches that can be kept alone and still thrive, or are all loaches schooling fish?
I'm still considering one of those...thing is, I don't really want a school of loaches. I prefer to have a single loach. Is that possible? Are there any loaches that can be kept alone and still thrive, or are all loaches schooling fish?
only weather loaches can be kept alone, but they get up to 20 inches in wild and 12 inches in home aquariums, so they can't live in a 55 gallon tank. All other loaches need to kept in groups