Green terror information and tankmates For 75 gallons

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MFK Member
Feb 5, 2018
so probably a lot of people have found me annoying by asking so many questions and I definitely think cramming a big fish into a tank or having an all poly tank is just not a good place for me to start. So I have retraced my steps and decided to ask about the green terror. Any pics or info or experience about them in a 75 gallon tank would be appreciated, especially anything about tank mates. Thanks.
I have a pair in mine, it don’t recommend it. They will get moved to a bigger tank to ease up the stress on my female.
For a solo terror it would be ok I think. For sure a female would be fine without any other cichlids.
My pair are being kept with a couple glofish and a pleco. The male does spat with the pleco once and a while, but I believe that is due to cramped quarters:/

Neither of my terrors get along with other cichlids. And my female doesn’t like orange or yellow fish. She will kill them. (Glofish) I cant try anything else till they get moved, but even then I might leave things as they are fish wise.
Their personalities can really vary on what fish they will be ok living with.
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I hope your pair stays well, I was thinking since GT stay smaller they could be kept with another smaller cichlid like acara or jewel cichlid or maybe a poly. I like polys it’s just that if I did a tank with all polys I will get bored.
Maybe a poly, but I really couldn’t say. I have no experience with them. I do not suggest having any other cichlids if you get a gt.
My female tolerated a female Jack Demsey up till she started laying eggs. So if you don’t mind having a standby tank you could try a small cichlid. I just wouldn’t expect it to work long term.
I was hoping I wouldn’t have to keep the green terror alone, I know there really isn’t such a thing as a community tank but if I were to keep 2-3 medium cichlid what would be good options, unless a GT would be one
Could do a GT with some cool non-cichlid tankmates. I agree with Mrs E, that you might be able to get a small cichlid to work with it, or it might end badly.
Rainbow cichlids are cool cichlids and not very aggressive. could do a group of them in there for sure.
I might pick up a juvenile GT and see how it acts and do tankmates based on that, GT have nice color and give me options for tankmates in a 75. Since GT grow slowly I’ll have some time.
Raphael catfish was fine with a solo male GT for three years in a 75
My GT (Rivulatus) got along well with Salvini, Texas Cichlids, Jack Dempseys, Plecos and Festae. He would not tolorate any other GT. He got along with a school of Buenos Aires Tetras for a while, then eventually ate them all.
If you stock one as a juvenile, consider adding a couple of juv. Firemouths and maybe a juv. Salvini. You might get away stocking some larger tetras or Danios.