I understand the sentiment of liking large fish- and they are small it feels like they will stay that way.
There are a lot of really fun fish, that are medium sized by comparison but after 12-18 months you may find a lot more interesting, a lot of this hobby is research and patience.
Male Nics are absolutely stunning, you could potentially grow out a group to form a pair. Jack Dempsey’s are common but for good reason they are beauts. I think if you grew out a group from fry and aimed for a male with a max size of 8-10” female slightly smaller you be very happy and not overwhelmed as you may be if you try shoehorn every fish you like into one smaller tank. 75’s are good wet pet or medium sized pair tanks IMO
There are a lot of really fun fish, that are medium sized by comparison but after 12-18 months you may find a lot more interesting, a lot of this hobby is research and patience.
Male Nics are absolutely stunning, you could potentially grow out a group to form a pair. Jack Dempsey’s are common but for good reason they are beauts. I think if you grew out a group from fry and aimed for a male with a max size of 8-10” female slightly smaller you be very happy and not overwhelmed as you may be if you try shoehorn every fish you like into one smaller tank. 75’s are good wet pet or medium sized pair tanks IMO