Green terror information and tankmates For 75 gallons

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tbh I do not want to have to give away fish, but maybe putting him with a juvenile fire mouth could work
Tbh my stocking would either be
GT, acara, pleco
armored bichir , blue acara, firemouth
Or maybe GT and bichir
I hope your pair stays well, I was thinking since GT stay smaller they could be kept with another smaller cichlid like acara or jewel cichlid or maybe a poly. I like polys it’s just that if I did a tank with all polys I will get bored.
You have a chance if it is a solo GT with a solo Jewel, solo Acara etc. The fish usually gets super aggressive when they pair up and it is time to breed. You could also add that Bicher & a Pleco, but will probably have to thin the stocking once they get large. Make sure you have adequate filtration, both mechanical and biological to manage this level of stocking.

Off course you could end up having a GT who has a crazy aggressive personality, but you may get one who is more accommodating of tanmates. However if you put in a pair, the chance of the GTs being accommodation when they get to breeding mode is nil.
Could I keep a pair? Anyway, yeah I was hoping to keep a GT with a blue acara or a jewel cichlid, maybe a pleco. If not that I will do two bichirs and a larger cichlid, one that’s 6-8 inches, any suggestions with that?
A GT grows to 12 inches.
Acaras grow to about 6 inches and Jewels are slightly smaller.

You could keep a pair of Acaras or Jewels. probably cramped for a pair of GT with Bichirs.
A 75 would be too cramped for a pair of GTs.

And lastly ask as many questions you want. Doubt anyone will get annoyed with you. After all its better you ask the questions you have now, than go get your fishes without the right info and end up killing the lot.
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Just find a stunning male and keep him by himself, they make great solo pet fish with awesome colour
I think your back to square one here op.
Your putting a fish with the potential of 12 inches at adult size in a fairly small aquarium. Whilst we often see fish in worse situations it may not be the best cichlid to recommend.
Blue acaras are very similar in appearance and could have adequate living space in your tank with room for tank mates.
You also like bichirs, which I won't go into too much detail on as they are not my subject. Again there are similar less space demanding fish to keep. Rope fish spring to could keep a couple of rope fish a blue acara and have room for some suitably sized tetras etc.
Op you have to do a little googling too lol. Cryptoheros are gorgeous fish, sajica, nanolutes, panamensis, honduran red points to name a few. Acara types or aequidens are nice too theres more than just pulcher (blue acara) available.

Keep in mind that no matter how many people you ask in these sections one thing will remain constant - the variety of the answers you receive.

75 isnt a big tank and someone may say yes i kept x fish in x tank but that doesnt mean its gonna work long term.

Multiple cichlids can be rewarding or a huge headache. I would grab a smaller "time out" tank as well just incase someone acts up.
^^^ +1 ^^^
With cichlids, it's always a balancing act, a constant game of adjustment.