Green terror information and tankmates For 75 gallons

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
How’s this for stocking?

-one jewel cichlid,
-one blue acara,
-one pleco

With these fish, you might be able to do 2 jewels, 2 acara, one Pleco.
Not to be rude but go to google type in acara or aequidens species see what you like then see what you can get from places in your area or or wetspot.

An 11 inch poly can absolutely thrive in a 75 gallon tank. These are not incredibly active fish and do not require the foot print you are suggesting they need. Any upper jaw besides weeksii, teugelsi, and ornate would work in this tank. I know a 12 inch fish seems big but they really dont require the same space as a 12 inch cichlid, very easy to keep in groups as well.

That graph is highly inaccurate (not your fault) i remember seeing that yrs ago and thinking my god they get huge. Wc Teugelsi can easily get over 20 inches, i would sooner see big foot than a 16 inch sen and i had a del that never passed 9 inches.

I think that list may have some measurements taken for specimens on collecting trips. Op will most likely be getting captive bred fish which dont get nearly as large as wc plus there are quite a fee wc polys that would be fine

Hao Hao your the congicus whisperer how many 39 inchers have you seen in aquaria ?

T thefredpit can you post the size chart agian sorry bro
That was not my intention to give misinformation at all, just they seemed like huge fish based on a google search
With these fish, you might be able to do 2 jewels, 2 acara, one Pleco.

That was not my intention to give misinformation at all, just they seemed like huge fish based on a google search

Alls good man. You were trying to help another member. I remember seeing that graph a few yrs back and thinking the same thing.
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HELP!. What size should my green terror be ??? .. if my chocolate cichlid is 4.5 inch and my Oscar, JD are both 2 to 3inch... It's 150 gallon tank..
Gotcha!. Does it matter if the chocolate cichlid is a lot large then the other cichlids??
Chocolate cichlids are normally laid back. I doubt you will get much problems from it.
I do think all those fish will become cramped within a year in a 150 though.
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Chocolate cichlids are normally laid back. I doubt you will get much problems from it.
I do think all those fish will become cramped within a year in a 150 though.

Spring/summer plan on getting either 240 or 300gallon tank... I'm more worried about the GT with the rest of the cichlids/ should I get him smaller then the rest??
The green terror will grow slower then the Oscar, so I’d get one as close to the same size as the oscar as possible.

Make lots of hiding spots and line of sight breaks.

And I’d keep an extra tank handy just in case.
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