Green terror or Flowerhorn

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Green Terror or Flowerhorn

  • Green Terror

    Votes: 18 72.0%
  • Flowerhorn

    Votes: 7 28.0%

  • Total voters
I vote for you to keep your fh. If you already love it and it's personality why get rid of it for a fish that might not stack up behavior wise?
It's not to get rid of my current Flowerhorn. It's is for either to get another one or get a Green Terror.
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Flowerhorn, most of them are bold personality and there no other FL look same to one you have but GT is pretty much look same to someone 1000 miles away from you.
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I picked Green Terror for two reasons
1. I don't like hybrids
2. You can have tankmates with a GT, highly unlikely you can have a tankmate for a FH-very very aggressive
I voted FH. I have no issue with hybrids as long as they're sold as what they are. I've kept many GTs and FHs and it's hard to beat the personality of a flowerhorn. I had a good sized male GT for a while that would come out for food and would swim in the open just fine but not much other interaction. My current female GT is in a community setup and is t interactive at all. Every FH I've kept will freak out when you enter the room, chase your finger, and I can even pet the larger of the 2 I currently keep. Great wet pets
Nice opinions and advice everyone. Make sure you cast your votes, seems like some didn't.
I voted GT simply because I don't think man can improve upon nature, plus you already have a FH... variety is the spice of life and all that jazz.
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