Guess the brackish water fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Mummichog or marsh killie (Fundulus heteroclitus heteroclitus)?
another easy one

guppy said:
Mummichog or marsh killie (Fundulus heteroclitus heteroclitus)?

Yes, you are correct.

FISH ROOM PLUS...your only supposed to post a picture if you get it right. But I am going to have to say yours is a...

Green chromide (Etroplus suratensis)

Your turn Guppy...make it a good one.
Brackish hmmm, okay.


They like mangrove swamps.
another easy one

Lutjanus argentimaculatus, aka mangrove jack or mangrove snapper. Also, sometimes sold, most egregiously, as "red datnoid" or "white datnoid."
I think you are right but the bares fade as they grow and I can't tell if their pectoral fins are red. If not how about Mexican barred snapper, (Hoplopagrus guentherii)?
Now Ichtyophile, how about a shot at the brackish guy I posted? It is found from the east coast of Africa, the north coast of Australia, on through the eastern Phillipines.
guppy said:
Now Ichtyophile, how about a shot at the brackish guy I posted? It is found from the east coast of Africa, the north coast of Australia, on through the eastern Phillipines.
You have me stumped. :( Maybe a member of the glassfish family (Ambassidae)?
Not in the ambassidae family, it is a common, widely used food fish, that is named after a small horse.