Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Xbox croc? It's not a RAZOR GATOR?! Shaaaaaaaaame. Shaaaaaaaaaame.
Candoria Carinata (I believe): common name: Solomon Island Gound Boa, a.k.a Pacific Boa I have a Red one and a Grey.
dang ,you got it,solomon ground boa,i had a solomon tree boa once and loved it,tame as ever but i was told it was a ground.that was wrong and it stressed out and wouldnt feed,died and i was crushed,it was before i knew my herps better and the store owner is an ***.just wants his profit you know,how much do these run know,ground ones and are they usualy docile,you can pm me the answers not to crash this thread.and its your turn by the way.
Well I just wanna show off a pic of my Red & Grey Females.

Here's my guess it pix below:

So many Pix too choose from so little time :popcorn: