Guess what kind of Reptile

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i found it on kingsnake, i think they just made the name up they called it a "yellow spotted big eye frog"(LEPTOPELIS ULUGERENSIS ) but i can not find one thing on em. so im gonna put up a new one, sorry, my fault........
heres an easy one for ya, sorry about the first.... thought it sounded funny:D

Blue poison dart frog, (Dendrobates azureus)

correct, have you ever heard of the yellow spotted big eye frog? the last one i had
I just found it, the problem is males and females look different , it is also called a big red eyed treefrog and the reason you could not find it is that they had mispelled the species name, it is uluguruensis. here is a picture and also a pic of a typical glass frog, you can see a resemblence.


I will post another frog, these are male and female(the one with polka-dots) of a single species.


i was thinking they made that name up.... i guess they sort of did :)... the pics above, is this the one to guess on, or are these a kind of big eyed frog too?
The male/female pair are to guess on. Good luck. those pics are about twice life size.
Hyperolius argus :woot: :woot: :woot: :thumbsup: