Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
He looks stoned, lol!
I think I saw this frog when looking for the hairy one, now I have to think of where.
Found it in a "desert creatures" site (I think), Canteen frog or Waterholding frog, (Cyclorana platycephalus), the one people squeeze for a mouthful of water?
Thats the one :thumbsup:
Okay, here ya go.


phelsuma laticauda
It is one of the geckos, not a Phelsuma, tell me where it is from and I'll give it to you.
those bolth at least one is a day gecko i dont know scintific names i just can't remember them
the place there from is some kinda island not sure
They are day a male and a female of the same species, they are a day gecko, and they are from an island, the species name will tell you which island group and vice versa, they are pretty common in pets stores, now that you know it is a day gecko a quick web search won't be hard.
Gold Dust Day Gecko from Madagascar? thats the only one from an island group I could think of.

Or a Phelsuma Guttata?

am I allowed to take two guesses?