Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ive seen them but cant think of the name i know it but cant think of it :swear:
Seychelles giant day gecko
ShadowVengance said:
Gold Dust Day Gecko from Madagascar? thats the only one from an island group I could think of.

Or a Phelsuma Guttata?

am I allowed to take two guesses?
You are allowed as many guesses as you want, those two are wrong,heheh.
Wayne the Pain is correct,
the Giant Seychelles Day Gecko (Ailuronyx seyckellensis).
thanks guppy,here's one for ya :)

Dienakistradon acutis.jpg

Dienakistradon acutis 2.jpg
Fer de lance, Bothrops atrox?
sorry guppy :grinno:
I don't see this one anywhere, still looks like somekind of Bothrops to me.
look closely at its nose, that should give it away :grinyes:
Bitis gabonica rhinocornus? I really don't know
i can see its annoying you now Guppy so il put you out your misery, its
Deinagkistrodon acutus, Chinese Sharp Nose Viper. :D
suppose i better put another up a little easier ;)

blomberg 1.jpg
