Guess what kind of Reptile

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Another hopper,


its a lake titicaca frog, the flaps of skin allow more surface area for oxygen to diffuse into the body in the high altitude and therefore low oxygen level air the lake they are native to is in, therefore even less oxygen in the water and they need more skin for it to diffuse through. the lake is deep so frequent trips to the surface arent very practical. they are worshipped by the natives (a relief to the frequency of natives who eat or despise the creatures herp and fish lovers may find most desirable).
Well Delgado gotthere first, it is the Titicaca sacred frog (genus Telematobius) There was a special on the Discovery channel about them, these pics are from their site.
me too, i remembered that from the show. cool frog though, it is actually in one of my reptile and amphibian books.