Guess what kind of Reptile

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comman name: California Alligator Lizard
scintific name: Elgaria multicarinata multicarinata
am i right
Geez Del, you damn near need a tooth and scale count to tell the Three subspecies of Southern Alligator lizards found in California apart, there are also 5 subspecies of Northern Alligator lizards in Ca. this pic is the E.m. scincicauda. the pic was taken by Gary Nafis.

i have a baby one of E.M. scincicauda. or southern alligator lizard
Fishofdoom does :D heheh, did you knoe that there is a third Californian alligator lizard species? It is the Panamint alligator lizard (Elagaria panamintina).
guppy said:
Fishofdoom does :D heheh, did you knoe that there is a third Californian alligator lizard species? It is the Panamint alligator lizard (Elagaria panamintina).
lol u find everything lol alright let me find one harder then my last.