Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I exhausted my resources, I am out of this pic.
Never mind I am back in. Quick Q Chris, when you said it was not the normal color/pattern were you talking about the picture of the actual we are trying to find out or the relative that you linked? This is really going nowhere.
I was referring to the relative. Here is a picture of the normal relative snake.

A Rainbow Snake Farancia erytrogramma
Ah crap I had been thinking it was a mud snake, not a rainbow.. I want a rainbow bad.. LOL

It's Pseudoeryx plicatilis.
Looks like you got it, damn i have to go cry in the corner now...

Go ahead and post :D
Gigas got it. Mud snake or rainbow snakes are both the closest living relative to the amazon pond snake which is why I posted them as hints. you're up man.
Is it a Sibynomorphus turgidus? Thats the best I got at the moment.