Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Man that took forever, I check the SA milksnakes first before checking the sand snakes and such in the USA. I think I found it, a tiny (6-12") burrowing snake found in one corner of Arizona. I think it is the Thornscrub Hook-nosed snake (Gyalopion Quadrangulare). Here are 2 pics from Erick F. Enderson and Tom Brennan. I found some amusing trivia, this one and a couple of its kin make a rapid series of popping noises when picked up, they are farting
I am pretty sure I'm right but am tired so will wait until tommorrow to post another pic. Good night all.


Thats the one guppy :D
Try this beauty,

Maticora bivirgata -Blue Malayan Coral Snake :D
That is the one Wayne. Beautiful , nice sized snake, if it was not so dangerously poisonous I think it would be a popular pet. I saw it for the first time yesterday while looking for something else, quite unique.
Post a pic.
just for you guppy ;)

Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus.jpg

Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus 1.jpg
Too easy, Cape Coral Cobra (Aspidelaps lubricous) from South Africa. Here is a pic from

Now fror a nonvenomous one, this guy gets about 27" long and although seldom seen, is common in one very large city.


San Francisco garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis.
Nope, and wrong country.