Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I vaguely remember reading about this guy in an article about the rafflesia or meat lily from Borneo, hmmm. I'll be back.
Aha! It is the earless monitor, Lanthanotus borneensis, from Sarawak, Borneo. Here is a pic from the Vienna Natural History Museum. I confirmed the ID by finding the pics you used including the bottom one by Robert Spacklund. I will find a pic.

A snake to play with, once.

Looks like a cobra...forest cobra maybe? Or a dark Egyptian banded?

Hiyaluvspun around, close enough. It is a Snouted cobra, Naja annulifera annulifera.
Your turn to post a pic.
guppy said:
Aha! It is the earless monitor, Lanthanotus borneensis, from Sarawak, Borneo. Here is a pic from the Vienna Natural History Museum. I confirmed the ID by finding the pics you used including the bottom one by Robert Spacklund. I will find a pic.
damn u r good :D
Here is a somewhat venomous snake for you to scratch your heads over.


Hydrodynastes gigas :D
You got it Wayne,
the False Water Cobra (Hydronastus gigas), a rear fanged snake with a painful though non-lethal bite.
ok here goes one for y'all :)

Gyalopian quadrangulare.jpg

hook nosed snake.jpg