Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Go to the amphibian I.D. thread. I'll post a picture that's actually mine next time my salamander comes out. Could be a few hours though, he's not the one for daylight, hint hint.
Now I know that a friend of mine (online) bragged about having a nicer camera than they had. Next time he's on caudata, he gets to be asked couple questions now, heh heh......

Now I am curious who it is....

It's not like caudata keepers are a large group
You do caudata? Not much I find other caudata users. I use nanfa, mfk, caudata, and gardeners world. used to be a member of xenforo too. Let me confess something though. When I do post the picture of my sal in the amphibian I.D. section, I don't have any idea what it is. Its undergoing metamorphosis currently and all I can see is the pattern. Just came out for some bloodworms and by the time I got my phone camera ready it was gone, darn it. I will say its a u.s native though.
Yes, I tend to stay in the tylotriton and laotriton sections though.

I like MFK because its busier then just about any other animal forum, I could have easily done my newt pond build thread on caudate or dendroboard, but it wouldn't have gotten comments by people that know what they are doing on larger scale projects.
Yes, I tend to stay in the tylotriton and laotriton sections though.

I like MFK because its busier then just about any other animal forum, I could have easily done my newt pond build thread on caudate or dendroboard, but it wouldn't have gotten comments by people that know what they are doing on larger scale projects.

can I see some pics of you're crocodile newts? Also where'd you get them? They're absolutely awesome with their little ribs.

And that's why I like mfk :D
Sure, next time I visit the facility ill take pics. Do you have a favorite tylotriton species?

I bought them as fresh imports around 2013. There is someone that has bred shangii and will be trading morphlings soon depending on what all you have.
I live normally in ~400 sqft because of the cost of living near SF, not a ton of room for major breeding projects.

So I bought a warehouse and keep all my animals in there.