Gulper catfish trio, ~7"

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hello Viktor. It has been long. Sorry to hear about the issues with these magnificent catfishes. Catfishes are a bit like loaches in a a lot of ways with different

sickness going off food and such.
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At first GGG thought it was a new food item in his tank but things quickly turned around and the gulper went into deep hiding, sporting several abrasions from midas teeth. Lando the midas won't leave GGG the gulper alone either:

Female midas had seemed like she'd be ok with the gulper catfish tank mate for 1.5 months, but then things changed:

Do dithers work with gulpers? Might not be a bad idea to see if you have any smallish fish who'd be able to hang around for a bit and tell the gulper she's safe now, but I'd be worried they end up as prey.
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Good question. I don't know. Certainly they'd be in danger of eaten if they fit in gulper's mouth. GGG had come to realize her offenders were gone before. Hopefully this time will be the same.
This is the first time I hear of gulper eating a gulper. Do you believe the poster or not?

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This is the first time I hear of gulper eating a gulper. Do you believe the poster or not?

Cannibalism is certainly not unheard of in auchenipterids, and I wouldn't be surprised if it did indeed happen; I do not recall any particular instance of gulpers of vastly different sizes ever being successfully cohabitated, though I could be wrong. Neither gulper in the video seems to be in the best of health (the smaller one seems quite ill), which may have some impact.
*Edit: Predatory Fins has successfully cohabitated gulpers of multiple different sizes in the same tank with success, or so it seems from some of their past videos. I don't doubt that the gulper in the video posted ate the other, but I do not believe it was solely due to predatory instincts; something else likely had some impact. Then again, I'm likely incorrect on the matter.
Hardly the time or place for this, but I utterly detest the owner of that poor fish- from what I can see, they're merely stressing the animal out by housing it with unreasonable tankmates, and deliberately anthropomorphising for the sake of views.