They are amazing, an instant crowd favorite with our visitors when they see them come out, swim clumsily and feed like the mini-monsters they are.
Yes, people keep them for many years, decade+, e.g.
who has discussed this in this thread IIRC or if not in several others, including his.
Yes, our culture could use much improvement in the reporting dept. (or not?) ... 1 in 10,000 peers follows through half-heartedly it seems. I tried to start to change it on the MFK by proposing a new catalog of special journal/blog style threads by fish species... but so far failed miserably - 1. almost no one follows my example of self-mutilation

2. the big guys never listened to me, much esteemed peers like @RD shot me down too, which is okay, I am not complaining but explaining since you touched upon it. It could have been a bad idea because it has never been tested. Overall, I am afraid MFK has been slowly dying for a long time and I fear may be gone any moment now and with it will disappear many years of my hard work blogging on each of our fish. Oh well. Let the chips fall.
Yes, gulper are not a beginner fish because of particular water needs and are slightly more sensitive but overall they are rather hardy and robust vs many touchy fish, especially sw fish, e.g. moorish idol.
If I wasn't such an idiot, I'd still have 9-10 of ours. We bought 3 in 2015 and 7 in 2021:
1. Lost two in 2017-18 supposedly to thiaminase and/or bacterial infection that came with a fish from the wild. I tend to think thiaminase.
2. Lost 1 of the 7 soon from the store, reason unknown.
3. Lost another 4 of the 7 due to thiaminase, rather confident.
4. Almost saved the last 2 of the 7 from thiaminase-caused B1 deficiency but killed them by formalin-MG treatment, forgot to lower the dose.
All in all 1 for 10 still with us, who knows for how long, the original one from 2015 that was just every bit as sick as its two kin that died in 2017-18 but came back from the brink on his own. Back then I had no idea, blamed the infection, but now think it was likely B1 lack. How it came back, how it held on, how it hasn't come down again with another serious B1 lack relapse, God only knows.
1/10. Live and learn. Yes, every day. When you get sick and tired, hang up your banjo next to your mojo and start digging

I am pushing back at your signature.