Thank you. And you will be surprised how many teachers pay how much out of pocket. I have contributed not only hours but financially as well. We do it for the educational benefits and for our students.Cool stuff. I wanted to get into guppy breeding a while ago, but shyed away since it is very time and cost intensive. Being in a school, these factors don't really apply though so this could work out pretty well
Thank you. We will keep updating.Very nice setup. The tanks are very nice and I can see them working for many types of projects in years to come.
Good luck with them and the kids.
Howsit Hendre,I need you as my teacher
The only fish at my school are the ones I donated for a teachers tank, 2 platies and 2 danios
Genetics isn't really covered over here right now, and I'm in grade 10. Maybe it will show up later.
Good luck
Howsit.Howsit Hendre,
When do you guys go through genetics and heredity? If you haven't yet (surprisingly) you should at least cover it in G10.
I do feel South African curricula find themselves rather lacking in regards to the depth of science they go into.
What textbook you guys using?Howsit.
Doesn't look like we even do it in grade 10 if I go in the textbook. This sucks.
It seems to be, even on an international curriculum. I'm supplementing it with fish science for if I manage to get into aquaculture. The closest to genetics is the composition of DNA and cells which is the current topic.
Then again I haven't even bred yet fish so I'm wishing even more i was there