• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Guppy Line Breeding Project Log

Its from the "mind action series"
We only did cells in gr8 and reproduction of cells in gr 9. Not really anything of the other stuff mentioned.

I'm going to have to look around at some point, I'm particularly interested in parthenogenesis but the information is a bit lacking in regards to fish. It has been done before though.
Its from the "mind action series"
We only did cells in gr8 and reproduction of cells in gr 9. Not really anything of the other stuff mentioned.

I'm going to have to look around at some point, I'm particularly interested in parthenogenesis but the information is a bit lacking in regards to fish. It has been done before though.
Have you seen these:
Thanks for the links, I would like to try and do artificial parthenogenesis in fish one day. @Oddball did it with bichirs many moons ago.
Those kids will remember this project for the rest of their lives. This is the kind of education that sticks- nothing beats hands on. It is already, but water purification and maintenance will continue to be a big deal worldwide in the future. You are doing good things there- stay awesome!
Thanks so much. Appreciate it.

The growout guppy fry will hopefully be serving a purpose as well. We are looking at setting up a small rooftop aquaponics system with the guppy guppy grow out tank utilized as the water/nutrient source.
The guppies get sun to color up and the plants clean their water and grow food for the school kitchen.
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Aquaponics is great, I recommend feeding a lot as well to keep nitrate pumping from such small fish ;)
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Purples and greens are both very hard colors to acquire. I would suggest for a slightly longer term breeding project- attempting to produce these from generic or wild stock. Sometimes it's like finger painting with genetics. Another thing I had fun with as well was breeding tail shapes- Delta's ,Tridents ,Pintails, I even had one I called "Shark" The dorsals and pectoral fins were a bit larger than normal and had crescent shark "esque" tails. I suppose it's like sculpting with play-doh genetics as well lol
Thanks so much. Appreciate it.

The growout guppy fry will hopefully be serving a purpose as well. We are looking at setting up a small rooftop aquaponics system with the guppy guppy grow out tank utilized as the water/nutrient source.
The guppies get sun to color up and the plants clean their water and grow food for the school kitchen.

If you really want to blow their minds, use the guppies as food for some Monsters ;) (Well, maybe don't show the 2nd graders)
If you really want to blow their minds, use the guppies as food for some Monsters ;) (Well, maybe don't show the 2nd graders)
We have already discussed culling and why it is necessary. They were taken aback at first but came to understand the need for it.

We are still deciding which fish to use in one of the tanks as the "eater".

Ideas anyone?
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What do you have access to? The perfect fit would be Belonesox Belizanus - needs live food and is a livebearer, too. However they are very rare. If you're feeding just small ones a medium sized CA cichlid like a salvini would work.
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