• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Guppy Line Breeding Project Log

Not much that fits in a small tank that small. Maybe there are some nice killies that could still fit in a small ish tank, maybe ≤20 gals
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If it does not have to be a fish, there are many possibilities. Malaysian Giant tiger prawns, any decent sized crayfish, some freshwater hermit crabs, dragonfly larvae, those aquatic carnivorous plants, a small rat/garter snake. Iwould go for the plants if you can get them. There may even be one native to where you live.
Thanks for the replies. The reason I was looking at the small tank was mentioned above. Failing that, I have tanks ranging from 29 gal to 310 gal available if need be. But want to keep it all at the school.

I didn't think about the prawn. Nice idea. I have considered one of the local freshwater gobies as I know they eat small fish.

Not too keen on the snake as I am a little feint-hearted with the legless spawn of satan.
Finished fixing the broken drainage pipes. They don't need to be super water tight as they will only be used as a drain once a week. You can see the patch job we tried on the right middle pipe T connector.
Each tank has 2 holes. An overflow and a drain hence 36 pipes for 18 tanks.

And then a quick pic of how the UGF fits into the tank before adding gravel.
Sorry it has been a while. I battled to find a part I needed and and and.......

But here is a quick update of the project.
1. The tanks are up and running. We are only running 12 of the 18 tanks for now as the bottom row plumbing needs to be connected with longer pipes.
2. The tanks are cycled. We used our existing classroom guppies. Started seeding with some filter floss from the well established class tank and then the following day I added ceramic rings to all the tanks from home that I have had cycled and culturing bacteria for 8 months now.
3. The trio we will use will be bought between this afternoon and Monday. Not sure when I will get a chance.

Here are the pics showing the guppies a female, a half black red male (low grade bought in a 30c bargain bin) and what I assume to be a a round tail dragon dumbo ear (?). Also the filter floss and a shots looking down the side through six tanks.
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Decided to get some anubius for a little greenery and cover. The female seemed a bit stressed. The grade 1-3 classes love to come up and look at the fish with their faces almost on the glass. So thought a plant couldn't hurt.

As and when a new tank gets fry or a trio added, an anubius will be added too.

This guy was in an outdoor tank we are setting up for aquaponics. He was in with another male that was larger and hammering him. He now has a tank indoors and will take care of culled fry.
Looking good!

I love paradise fish! They are awesome and love food so ideal choice :)
Finally got the guppies yesterday.
There were originally 5 in the shop tank, 2F and 3M. When I went to buy them, one of the females (the better one) had disappeared even though I had reserved them. But, such is life.

I got a double swordtail strain of guppy. Not exactly sure but think it could be the Blond platinum Japan blue double sword.

Here are the three males. They are hard to get a picture of as they move non stop and quickly.
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Here is the female that was left over. Pity it was only one but I wanted to get from this shop as it has a good reputation for quality. The females have almost no color so it will be interesting to see how much color we can get into them.
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The female is pregnant so we will wait until she drops then select the best looking male to put in her tank for a few days. I will try to see if I can find another female in the mean time.

In another tank we have a mixed batch of guppies. This tank is for fun for the students to select their favorite colors and mix and match as they see fit. Most will be culled for tank space or given to people with ponds.

Will post those guppy pics later.
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