Guppy Line Breeding Project Log

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Forgot to add these pics. These are random guppies that will colony breed. If we see a nice male or female the students can choose to breed them as they wish for fun.

This female just dropped a litter of 14 babies. Will see if they are a mixed batch or from the strain she is meant to be. She was in a colony tank so assume this may be the case.

These are the other four. A half black red female (assumed). Dumbo red dragon and half black red males and BIG Bertha. She is huge! Easily 2". She should be popping any day and is currently in a birthing tank.
Sorry for the lack of updates. A bit has happened since my last post. After receiving the fish, we had a long weekend. Came back to work and the three guppies had fungus all over. I think it may have come with their water as no other tank had the issue. Just their two tanks. I didn't have the meds on hand and we lost them.

The random tank had 14 fry. 12 of them are left so we will see what comes from those.

I found a great breeder in Taipei. After checking if he had blonde platinum double swords he only hadfemales. He suggested blonde lazuli double swords and sent me a pic. I decided those were great and got 2 trios.

They were supposed to arrive at 11am this morning. Courier company took their time and I received them at 15:10. Lost so much time waiting. Even though the box was buckled and you can see it had some action, the bags and fish were in perfect condition. This guy, and Guppy Shop HD, have some stunners. I have the two trios set up.

The box as it arrived.
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The inside packaging was great.
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Bags floating.
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And 30 seconds after they were in the tank. The male was already doing his thing about 2 mins after checking out and nibbling things on the floor.
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These seem to be in much better condition then my last reverse trio.
A man needs his updates! :)
A man needs his updates! :)
Oh man. This tank was hit with disaster.
During the summer vacation which is two months here, I wrote out a schedule of feeding and cleaning. That was half followed.
That coupled with no one leaving fans or air-con on, the fish suffered under the heat and some tanks went up to 36C for four weeks. Needless to say I had a lot to say to the people looking after the tanks.

3 fish remained so I was not spending any more on fish without proper care. I have a pond that holds about 400-500 gals that I released two strains of guppies into perhaps 2.5-3 years ago. They have slowly separated into different phenotypes. Many look the same; low quality strain guppies. However, some seem to have reverted back to the strains used to create the original two strains. Such as tiger endler looking guppes, ginga rubra guppies (bottom sword) and one or two other nice looking fish.

Females, as expected are harder to come by so will breed to get a colony of each strain to grow the genetic pool and population.

I caught some of these different strains to breed and a group of the low quality versions to see if I can up the genetic line a bit. Then every holiday I will return all fish back to the pond. Beginning of the school year, I will go through fish in pond and select strains to breed a repopulate the pond.

If, and when, I find unusual looking guppies, I will take them to may fishroom (under construction) and try to breed them and up the population of that strain in the pond.

By sorting through the whole pond, as much as possible each year, I will be able to remove weak genes and exploit desirable traits.

I will try to get pics of the setup a bit later. it is really hard during the day, the only time I am here, as the glare is unavoidable.
Please do not judge the quality of the pics. Dirty, glass, rushed for time, glare, phone pics, fish won't sit still, name your cliche.

A blonde type male guppy with some of his lady friends.
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The tiger endler type guppy
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Another endler type male
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The ginga rubra type males. Three of them with a mix of females to see what genes are thrownP_20180927_114854_vHDR_Auto.jpg P_20180927_114856_vHDR_Auto.jpg
A blonde type/ginga rubra with nice tail. Larger than the other tank.
Remembered to take some pictures this morning.
These are the Rubra Ginga with the larger and delta tails. They have just started having babies.
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These are the endler type guppies. This male has good size and color so we decided to put him in a tank with no other males and three different females.

These are the small tail rubra gingas, 3 males 4 females.
The tank of mixed halfblacks. About 11 total in the tank.
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These yellow snakeskins were initially in the other tank and thought to be females. The were late bloomers and one seems to have really nice color so he will be kept for improving the line.

These rubra ginga have small bottom sword tails and we are breeding them to improve the swords and color intensity. 3 males and 5 females. Females are now getting to size and should start dropping soon.

This was the original yellow snakeskin where the other two males were removed from. He has nice color but his tail needs some serious improvement. He is alone with 4 females.

We have decided to breed as colonies in each tank. We increased the amount of plants and cover so fry can survive.
During summer break, we will choose 2-3 males from each tank with 4-6 females and put them in bins outside so they survive and keep breeding as a colony.
When the new semester starts we will take the best looking 2 males and 4-5 females to start the tank line breeding again. Rinse and repeat.

This is the setup:
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