• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Gymnogeophagus Terrapurpura Growout!

My experience with Gymnos (which is somewhat limited) is they tend to be shy. They don't like any disturbance in or near their tank & take a while to settle in. My G. balzanii are continuously breeding. Watched them breed again yesterday afternoon in a clay flowerpot. Those pictured look to be at the size where they should start breeding. I have a harem of 1 male with 5 females. He has bred with all of them multiple times.
They’re lookin good. It’ll happen. I’ve got fish spawning all over now, they’ll get going and they’ll keep at it all summer once they do.

I know the wait is killing you.

When I get hair algae going bad like you have it- I just grab at it and then swirl my hand around and it kind of wraps up around my fingers and I throw a wad of it out. I discard plantsornportiins Of plants that get choked out by it but most of the time you can pull about 70-80 percent of it out and the fish like what’s left.

feeding….The number 1 advice on the boards about feeding is “don’t over feed, make sure to skip a day or two every week“ etc or stuff to that effect. You look at your classical aquarium literature, and the articles published by academics, and serous hobbiests etc and they all say about the same thing “to induce spawning frequent heavy feedings of fresh and live foods, with frequent water changes will bring your fish into spawning condition” or something to that effect.

I feed til they have round bellies 2-3 times a day. I feed golden pearls, Ron’s cichlid juvie, kens super ultra premium spirulina sticks kens ultra premium super duper blood worm sticks kens ultra mega badassbrine shrimp stickks, extreme nano, andextreme flakes, dried soldier fly larvae, fired bloodworms

Plus whatever they get they flies in.
These 2 have paired up. They have the whole left side of the tank to themselves. The smallest ones never go to the right side, so that was the first abnormality. Then, I noticed the big area with no algae on the bottom, and it looked like it had been cleared recently. And lastly, the same one is guarding that area every time.


