Unfortunate news. Highschool started up. I feed 2-3 times a day, depending on how much I feed. I get home at 3:45. All the fry are gone. At least I assume. There could be a few stragglers, but they won't live for long. Super sad. At least I will know what to do next year.
Very very good news! First off, all 6 survived. And…baby fish! I’ve seen atleast 3, maybe 4, and I only looked in the quarter of the tank that’s open. Lots of detritus and algae for them. Should I suction them?
Very very good news! First off, all 6 survived. And…baby fish! I’ve seen atleast 3, maybe 4, and I only looked in the quarter of the tank that’s open. Lots of detritus and algae for them. Should I suction them?
I'll defer to the more experienced, but fwiw none of my fry from 4 spawns this summer have survived in my 75 gallon community tank. But two groups that were pulled are doing great growing out with a couple friends..