Lol, I was just wondering about your outdoor Gymnos! My G.rhabdotus are at it again outdoors this summer as well. They are the best fish I have for outdoor tanks, and produce tons of fry with very little in the way of drama or difficulties.
My C.dimerus are back at it again as well, i.e. fighting constantly after co-existing peacefully all winter. The subdominant male is once again showing the same torn fins and tail that he did last year, although like last year he and his lady seem to be attempting to spawn. The other pair, like last year, has produced clutches (at least two that I have actually seen) but the eggs mysteriously vanish before hatching. I really hoped that they would mature and become better parents...fingers still crossed. Four adult fish in the 5-6 inch size range...two definite pairs...with no other tankmates in a 6-foot-diameter stock tank this year, plenty of structure and cover, and yet it is looking as though I may have to separate them again.
I have a spot kinda sorta set up on the back deck for a 70gallon all-glass tank, and a little breeding colony of something would really be nice to have there. Strictly a summer project, no way I can leave them out all year the way you do, but...
c'est la vie.