Haitian cichlid pair

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Right on man!!! Absolutely stunning pair!!!! Nothing beats frozen and fresh food!
Bloat has absolutely nothing to do with diet , your absolutely right! ?
1122191844f.jpg1122191844d.jpg1122191844c.jpg1122191844b.jpgbut when he gets angry he would really do some damage to her if she didn't have her cave to retreat into. These natural rock caves are awesome and really helps me keep cichlid pairs long term without ugly dividers or pvc.
1125191241.jpg these two had a rough couple of weeks, I had pulled most of the fry from their last spawn and mom wasn't happy. She was a little pissed with dad for letting me take them, even though he destroyed one of my nets. Soon after she settled down from that the couple of one inch stragglers that hide in the rocks began eating the remaining fry thank God. Dad ate a couple of the stragglers but they still ate all the last batch of fry which was exactly what I wanted. Well mom didn't like this at all and she has been letting dad know for a couple of weeks, things have appeared to go back to normal. Unfortunately normal for these two is that they are starting to show signs of preparing to spawn again lol.
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