Haitian cichlid pair

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
0420211311_exported_3483~2.jpg0421211239_exported_19088~2.jpg1207201110j.jpg1207201101g.jpg1207201101f.jpg I was going to keep this pair also but I messed up the rockwork catching fry and the male killed the female. So I sold the male he was a beautiful fish. These are thick solid body old school Haitian cichlids.
All tanks are unheated. None of these guys have ever eaten pellets either, only live and frozen foods.
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Screenshot_20221226-092839~2.pngScreenshot_20221226-093212~2.pngScreenshot_20221226-093201~2.pngScreenshot_20221226-093143~2.pngScreenshot_20221226-093103~2.pngScreenshot_20221226-093028~2.png forgot to update these guys they are over 6 years old male is over 16 inches. They are currently in a 5 foot 120 gallon. They made the 2 hour drive to the new house in totes without oxygen. They stayed in totes with air stones for over a week with no problem. They are still in a unheated tank that can drop to low 70s at night. Feeding on earthworms, night crawlers, frozen blood worms, freeze dried krill and live blackworms. They have never had pellets or veggies.