Has anyone bought one of these

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I have gone to fish auctions and came home with something I didn't expect to but, but I always knew what I was getting, and whether of not it would thrive in my tap water.
Buying a random box without knowing whether it would thrive in my water, much less whether it would be good in my size tank seems to be rather lame.
I expect the box is full of aquarium strain, common fish that may live anywhere.
Of course, guppies are predators, so are neons, as are many common species......
The way it's represented, I agree that it's idiotic and irresponsible.

Having said that...it seems pretty obvious that this is a very common practice in many, many LFS shops worldwide. How else to explain the constant stream of threads on MFK asking "What is this thing I just bought? What does it eat? How big will it grow? How do I take care of it?"

I've always wondered what possesses these folks to buy a pig in a poke. This explains it! They're all buying their fish like this, and just can't resist a mystery! :uhoh:
The way it's represented, I agree that it's idiotic and irresponsible.

Having said that...it seems pretty obvious that this is a very common practice in many, many LFS shops worldwide. How else to explain the constant stream of threads on MFK asking "What is this thing I just bought? What does it eat? How big will it grow? How do I take care of it?"

I've always wondered what possesses these folks to buy a pig in a poke. This explains it! They're all buying their fish like this, and just can't resist a mystery! :uhoh:

Yeah, this would explain the all too frequent "what's in the box" threads. Fact is, the poster doesn't even know themselves!!! Lol.
I wouldn’t buy a fish without knowing what it was, as well as most it seems, but I really posted this to find out if anyone has and what was in the box. Looks like everyone else feels like me and I’ll never know what comes in these unless I watch staged YouTube videos…lol
Expanding on my previous idea, it would be nice if these mystery box sellers allowed you to choose a number of species that you were interested in and could house, that would constrain the range of what could be in the box.

For example, let's suppose a buyer couldn't decide whether they wanted weather loaches, bucktooth tetras, pink tailed chalceus, or pictus catfish. They could select those species as the species the box could contain, and be pleasantly surprised with whatever 1 species is in the box when it arrives instead of having something unwanted and unsuitable.