Has anyone ever successfully kept an oscar with flowerhorn?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jun 23, 2009
New Orleans
Has anyone ever successfully kept an oscar with a flowerhorn? Is this recommended or is it risky? I know oscars can get pretty big, but my flowerhorn is quite aggressive and I don't wanna put the Oscar at risk if it's going to get beat up! Thanks for any responses.
i have 3 oscars....in my opinion from keeping different types of cichlids ive come to find that oscars are one of the least agressive(calm) ones....flowerhorns would prob beat up the oscars when they get older....so i wouldnt recommend it...but theres always someone with different experience and opinion
oscars are gentle giants .. a fh would destroy him
tank size is 100 g and the flowerhorn is a good 6 inches and i'm not gonna lie he is pretty mean. i just wanted to know the temperament of oscars since i don't know too much about them. this is a growout tank that also is stocked with a few other SA/CA cichlids to deflect his aggression which includes jag, midas, carpintis which are pretty aggressive as well. but it sounds like the oscar is rather mild tempered for a big fish. some of my fish will be moved to 2 other tanks and i wanted to know if the oscar could be housed with the flowerhorn.
yes u can put a oscar n a flowerhorn 2gether.....:chillpill:

my cousin have a pair....

he bought them wen both wer small...
now both are used 2 each other n dont figght....
if possible i'l try 2 bring some pics's....

u can keep 1 also but u need a big tank for it...more dan 3feet will do..

even i'm going 2 take a flowerhorn n a oscar 2morrow...
i'm goging 2 keep dem 2gether.... will upload d pics....

You can never say never, but in all likly hood prob not. A 100 isn't big enough IMO if the FH is already getting nasty.
Oscars get beat up by a pair of breeding Convicts, they're pretty passive. They try to act tough but as soon as they get challenged they tuck their tail and run. I've got 6 Oscars and I've also got a FH. None of my Oscars would make it 45 seconds with the FH.
I had an 7 inch oscar with a 4 inch FH in a 75 g for a while it worked out for a while but the FH kept laying eggs and durring that time she almost killed him like 3 times I had to let him go to a good home, sad because he was my first fish...