Has anyone ever successfully kept an oscar with flowerhorn?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
BTW that pic is horrid!!! And if you look carfefully you can tell the FH pushes the Oscar around just a matter of time before that FH kills the Oscar!
dude they r gether from 3-4yrs....
they jut play around nor me or my cousin had any problems of fighting with them!!!!
public_amrut;3519098; said:
dude they r gether from 3-4yrs....
they jut play around nor me or my cousin had any problems of fighting with them!!!!

thyeve been alive together for 3-4 years in that tank? I know pictures make tanks look small. So, how big is that tank?
No way!

The oscar is known as the velvet cichlid, and the flowerhor is a terror.
When they are young the flowerhorn plays for fun, when they get older the flowerhorn kills for fun.
public_amrut;3519098; said:
dude they r gether from 3-4yrs....
they jut play around nor me or my cousin had any problems of fighting with them!!!!

Then why are they so small-the Oscar and FH should atleast be 10 inches each.
they are big....
the tank is making them look small....

the FH is 12 inch's n oscar is 9-10 inch's.....

the tank is 3feet (lenth) x 4feet (height) x 3feet (wide)....
The tank's too small and the Oscar's stunted. The fact that the tank is completely bare is sad for the fish. They need decorations, hiding spots, distractions, etc. I feel bad for the Oscar.
agreed with them the oscars will never make it unless raised together , may get ick from aggression of the FH my experiences with rose queens and FH = super aggressive.
public_amrut;3521643; said:
they are big....
the tank is making them look small....

the FH is 12 inch's n oscar is 9-10 inch's.....

the tank is 3feet (lenth) x 4feet (height) x 3feet (wide)....

So it is almost a 300 gallon tank? I dont know man, tank looks small, not even close to that big. I have a fluval 4plus, and it is ~12 inches, so your water is probably about 18 inches deep, not even close to 4 feet in height. Also, if it is that big, what kind of filtration do you have besides that fluval-4plus?