Has anyone ever successfully kept an oscar with flowerhorn?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
You can always try, but in all likelyhood it wouldn't work out. Just a have a backup plan and keep a close eye on them if you do decide to try it. Personally I wouldn't risk it in 100 gal.
I wouldn't try it.I lost 2 10" Oscar to a 5" female fh in a 135 gal., overnight.
thanks for the responses guys. seem like most people think this mix of oscar and FH won't work. i probably won't do it then. if anybody has any pics of FH and oscar living peacefully together post please. i think these are 2 really cool fish. thanks!
hi guys

i had told you that my cousin had succesfully kept a FH and a OSCAR:nilly::headbang2

here are some pic's of them....:):popcorn:

see it to beleive it.... n plz post replys....:chillpill::D

FH is way 2 bigger than the OSCAR still they dont fight.....:eek:





i had an 8 inch oscar that killed everything i put with it including a 8 inch jag and a red devil.he meet his match with a 12 inch pearsei who nearly killed him twice,it all depends on the fish,not all oscars are passive
I did in a 125 for awhile until I sold the FH without trouble.
public_amrut;3481634; said:
yes u can put a oscar n a flowerhorn 2gether.....:chillpill:

my cousin have a pair....

he bought them wen both wer small...
now both are used 2 each other n dont figght....
if possible i'l try 2 bring some pics's....

u can keep 1 also but u need a big tank for it...more dan 3feet will do..

even i'm going 2 take a flowerhorn n a oscar 2morrow...
i'm goging 2 keep dem 2gether.... will upload d pics....


Worse advice I ever heard-dont do it!!! You will end up with a dead Oscar-BTW-awful advice!!!