herichthys carpintis rio hondo

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I often offer algae wafers. I break large ones up and feed those first then pellets. I try not to feed too much of one or the other.
Thanks everyone! I ordered some northfin cichlid food along with their kelp waffers. I will probably get some hikari, omegA & nls food. I like to give variety if I can. My rio hondos will be here tomorrow. Will get shots tomorrow for everyone. They should be around the 4"size as well.
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How many did you order?
They look nice can't wait to see the update of the settled in
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Splitting the order with another fish keeper is a good idea. The last time I ordered from COA, that's what I did, and because it was a large order, we had it shipped airport to airport, so the fish were only in transit less than 12 hours. Here are some pics from that order.

in another order from COA I got 15 Criboheros rostrum
That trimac look just my female..LOL small world. I agree splitting shipping helps especially if you and the other fish keeper wants fish worth it.
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Thanks everyone! I will continually update here as they grow and settle in to their new home!
They look awesome!