herichthys carpintis rio hondo

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Finally got some update shots of my male!! He killed the female a few weeks after being in the tank. I'm not upset it happens. He is perfect fine with the 2 cichla intermedia that are with him, Just did not like the female for whatever reason. He's roughly around 6" give or take. IMG_5960.JPG IMG_5961.JPG IMG_5962.JPG IMG_5963.JPG
Sorry about his gf. Damn he looks good! Great pics.
Finally got some update shots of my male!! He killed the female a few weeks after being in the tank. I'm not upset it happens. He is perfect fine with the 2 cichla intermedia that are with him, Just did not like the female for whatever reason. He's roughly around 6" give or take. View attachment 1223451 View attachment 1223452 View attachment 1223453 View attachment 1223454
I also bought some rio hondo carpintis, from Dan I wanted a pair so I bought 8 from him at around 2". There colors are outstanding. I've gotten the pair and I've sold the rest. I'll post some pics when I get a chance. Have yours spawn for you?
Finally got some update shots of my male!! He killed the female a few weeks after being in the tank. I'm not upset it happens. He is perfect fine with the 2 cichla intermedia that are with him, Just did not like the female for whatever reason. He's roughly around 6" give or take. View attachment 1223451 View attachment 1223452 View attachment 1223453 View attachment 1223454
Sorry bro didn't read the whole tread were you said the male killed the female. Was looking more at pics on the color your male has.
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Just found my 2" Rio Hondo dead last night for no apparant reason. Water parameters good, other fish all happy and healthy. Pretty pissed, I was excited to see how he turned out and he had a cool attitude.
I've had pretty bad luck with Carpintis, too. I've had 2 of them die on me.