How Long Has Your Equipment Lasted?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
EHEIM and Mag Drive are must haves. Mine have been going strong for years.
Have one Eheim Heater that has lasted for at years, and has outlasted, without maintenance, all other heaters.
I have a supreme aquamaster hob filter thats close to 30 years old run continuosly with a 6 year break.
Eheim 2028 pro 7 years old and still running as quiet as ever.
Fluval 404 about 6 years old and still running.
Emperor 280 power filter. My very first filter at around 7-8 years old.
Ebo Jager heater. I own a bunch but the oldest is around 7-8 years old and still working.
I also have eclipse hood 1 and 3 for about 5 years now. The door hinges broke but the main filter and lights still work.
wow 16 years.. thats longer than most cars in my care!

mine would be the glass cleaners and the tanks themselves... 4years and upwards...
excellent idea for a post! im looking at canister filters right now, and from the looks of it i will get a ehiem. i was leaning that way already, but now im convinced. thanks.
Whisper C hob filter (20 gallon model) ~ 20 years

Aquaclear 500/110 ~ 5-7 years, came with the corner of the cover broken off during shipping, crazy glued, the plastic is a bit thin and fragile, otherwise has worked great

who makes long lasting air pumps?