I'm exhausted just reading all the effort everyone is putting into their lists.
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
Bump! Couldn't resist replying here.
Used to:
-Yellow perch
-Common pleco
-Rosy reds
-White clouds
-Red tail shark (will have again!)
-Pangasius catfish
-Featherfin catfish
-Squeaker catfish I don't know the species of, that was not a featherfin
-Zebra loach (will have again!)
-Weather loach (will have again!)
-Yoyo loach (will have again!)
-Striped kuhli loach (will have again!)
-Clown loach
-Pictus catfish
-Black kuhli loach
-Siamese fighting fish
-Bristlenose pleco (depending on how much mess this pleco makes, it unfortunately might have to be moved to the 'used to' list)
-Neon tetra (hopefully this won't happen, but neon tetra disease may move these to the 'used to' list)
-Green neon tetra
And this does not include 4 species I haven't yet kept that I will next year.
Today I can add Odessa barbs and roseline sharks. I also now have striped kuhli loaches again!Adding the following to my list.
Used to's that I forgot to put originally (and these are all of them):
-Channel catfish
-Yellow bullhead catfish
-Round goby
-Some kind of spiny eel which was either a marbled or swamp eel
Currently (bought these between now and when I made that comment):
-Dwarf chain loach
-Cardinal tetra
-Small scale archerfish
I also currently have at least 5 future species to wait for, instead of just 4 like I did when I made that comment.
Adding:Congo Tetras
Delhezi Bichir
Siamese Algae eaters (added yesterday)
Rosy barbs
Gymnogeophagus Terrapupurra
Sailfin Mollies
Cory Catfish
Neon Tetras
Amano Shrimp (added yesterday)