Ok, read all the posts. I do have to say, this is a combination of inadvertent and ignorant introduction. I. E. The spiders that stow away on bananas, etc. And, our idiot neighbors dumping fish into our waterways and snakes into the everglades. I live in South FL. I've seen extensive evidence of what an idiot releasing a fish into the lake in their neighborhood can do. In Palm Beach, there's a lake with a THRIVING clown knife population. In Miami, there's jaguar cichlids and other SA cichlids galore. I caught an 18 inch pacu in my friends lake, and have seen a few more in there. For crying out loud we have pythons eating gators.
I'm not for the bill, or anything like that, but the general american population is a bunch of morons. It's not we resposible fish/animal keepers, it's the ones that don't know what the heck they're doing screwing it up for us. Maybe they should ban beginners from buying these harmful exotics? Or come up with a better solution than banning them all together from everyone. There's gotta be a better way.
I'll get off my soap box.