The proposed legislation seeks to protect a secific class of imported animals, those that can propose a danger of establishing populations that compete with native popluations. Invasive species do pose problems, many that are obvious, and some that are more difficult to identify. It is certainly easy to take pot shots at any legislation, especially when the attacks contain inaccuracies. Many of the criticisms I've read in this thread assume sinister motives all around. Maybe we can leave some room for considering that sometimes issues are complex, solutions complex, and not everybody can have everything they want all the time, without affecting someone elses legitimate interests.
Read the proposed legislation. It may pose threats to your interests, but it may also prevent unecessary environmental damage. Many of the responses in this thread are exaggerated worse case scenarios of the impact the legislation might have. Some of them seem unlikely.
It would be more constructive to calm down, and work towards the best solutions to the problems the legislation attempts to resolve.
It is easy to blame goverments and legislators, but the government we have is the government we elect, and the legislation we get, is the legislation we allow.
Getting angry doesn't help. Being smart can.