Now put a measuring tape against the tank and take a pic as he swims by so there's no doubt, but he does look bigger than a foot. It looks to be the real thing to me, biggest I've ever read of was a 14" one but heard they get to 18" eventually. He may eat the smaller rainbow shark if he can fit it in his mouth, which would suck cause yours seems to be about 6" and I've never seen one that big in person yet lol. Good tankmates would be robust fish who can hold their own with aggression, but don't deal out to much, ime they can't take beatings very well, I had a 9" one with my curupira which was probably around 10-11" at the time (TL for both) and at night time the wolf would grab hold of him, he didn't make it after the third night or so, though I'm not entirely sure it was all due to the wolf, because he was chasing my odoe, and my odoe is no slouch either (fights with the wolf and occasionally puts on a small chase after my sun cat). It behaved similarly to my big pim. Blochi I once kept, slightly aggressive. I've kept one more a time ago but can't remember much of it it was slightly smaller, I have one now for a couple of months, hides all day till I turn the lights off and comes out to eat then.