Ideas for an all Amphilophus tank....


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 27, 2020
Thats it exactly! Plus I know these are true midas and not mutts so I want to keep as many as possible... they also have great wet pet personalities.

My buddy who obtained them has a couple too. We have been talking about breeding a few batches. That is something in my years of fish keeping Ive never really done. So that might just be part of my big amph project.
By any chance are your Midas F1s


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
By any chance are your Midas F1s
I dont have a lot of info on their background but pretty sure a pure midas line. Doubtful that they are F1, just based off behavior they seem less 'wild'. Ive had wild caught F1, etc and they dont act anywhere near that. My Hoga's all have that wc attitude however, again not positive on their background but fish were obtained from hardcore hobbyist getting out the hobby.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 27, 2020
By any chance are your Midas F1s
Or wild caught?
I dont have a lot of info on their background but pretty sure a pure midas line. Doubtful that they are F1, just based off behavior they seem less 'wild'. Ive had wild caught F1, etc and they dont act anywhere near that. My Hoga's all have that wc attitude however, again not positive on their background but fish were obtained from hardcore hobbyist getting out the hobby.
Yeah I was just curious. I subscribe to a guy he says he gives paperwork out when you buy fish from him. He's been in the hobby breeding fish for 20 years. His paperwork goes back to those fish he had when he first started. He says it helped him from breeding too tightly. I thought it was a good thing. Dogs come with papers. Why not. Lol


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Or wild caught?

Yeah I was just curious. I subscribe to a guy he says he gives paperwork out when you buy fish from him. He's been in the hobby breeding fish for 20 years. His paperwork goes back to those fish he had when he first started. He says it helped him from breeding too tightly. I thought it was a good thing. Dogs come with papers. Why not. Lol
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Update pic of my favorite midas I call 'Spot'


I know it could change but it looks pretty solid white on the spot and front half of its dorsal fin. Really hope it turns out to be a male to keep in the 300 gallon group. But if not I could see keeping it as a breeder female. Time will tell.
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Alligator Gar
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Dec 21, 2018
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
The Hoga in the 300 has seriously focused aggression toward the large Petsmart Red Devil. This is pretty much telling me the Hoga now feels 'threatened' by a fish near its size and that the Hoga is likely male. Last night I could hear the chasing going on with some splashing. The RD would retreat to upper areas of tank. It comes out to feed and will not back down to the Hoga during feeding so I feel good about that. The RD is getting close to the hoga in size and very soon may challenge but at the moment still submissive. I feel for the RD since it is such an awesome wet pet and the hoga is not. I would rehome the hoga in a heartbeat and not feel any regret. But the goal is for an amph tank of a few different types so for now mr hoga stays. I was almost tempted to add the old hoga back in to stir things up...


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
For those who have been following along this project you know it involves more than just the 300 in my living room. I also have been working on a rack of tanks in my garage which includes growouts and a place to keep my other fish.
(Racking to have 90g x1 / 75g x1 / 65B x2 / 30g x1)

Anyway, backstory to fill you in if you havent been tuning in: The first Aqueon 75 with a cracked frame was replaced with a 90 gallon at the 1/2 price Petco sale price. $200 for a 90 gallon, I was happy with that. With myself and another store employee looking we did not spot anything wrong with the 90. I get it home and in my garage light I spot 3 upper corner cracks! Well here is the update from that point.

Store was to receive 90's last night and they did! Hooray, right? Not with my luck... lol Was informed both (2) came in with cracked frames. Store manager was off today but needed to request replacements. Anyway this was just an update on the ongoing progress of this project. The 90 was to be a future home for an incoming trimac.

Im so close to finishing my garage project, I can taste it... so far it tastes like poo. ? or is that the chocolate ice cream emoji?
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