Ideas for an all Amphilophus tank....


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 17, 2017
The Wet Spot still has some of Caspers prodigy in stock if you want to add in some Sagittae.

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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
The Wet Spot still has some of Caspers prodigy in stock if you want to add in some Sagittae.

I would be interested but I would have to grow them out before they could go into the 300g. The bichirs are all big (endli is 20") and would likely take anything under 5" as a snack. Im currently working on figuring out a growout. I have an empty 20L all set up but in no way would three little amphs last in there very long, the aggression and that small tank space would result in the strongest killing off the weakest. I guess that is one possible way to get a dominant male... just a joke, not my method of fish keeping.

Was hoping to find fish at least 4" and risk it in the 300g, or to move one of my puffers into the 20L and use the 65B as a growout. Anyway trying to work something out. I was fortunate that the hoga I got from my buddy were all a good solid 5"+ so no issues.

I have been looking at some 4" unsexed midas at Imperial Tropical also. They are at a size that may work.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
Look at Cota as well, normally he has lots of Amps in multiple sizes

Ive been looking as his stock too. I like that he has bigger fish but shipping cost is a bit high. I could see if some buddies would want to do a group buy...

My choice would be Wet Spot for shipping fish since Im in WA state and its only $28 to get me my order next day. Or I can drive down to Portland for that matter on a little weekend getaway and just buy and bring back the fish. But the grow out time would be long since the fish are pretty small.

Imperial Tropical right now is the most appealing with 4" fish and reasonable shipping. Would hope to get at least one male if I ordered 3.


MFK Member
Aug 6, 2009
corvallis, OR
Yeah, I had seen those and were wondering what exactly they were like. Thanks for the feedback! Any pics of them?
I can take some when I get home. I might actually be willing to sell my biggest male because he has no interest in the little pie bald female and I currently have him in with my peacock bass. He's probably about 7 inches. Real nice specimen.
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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego
Fish farm USA on aquabid has F1 lake Nicaragua midas for sale. I bought 6 maybe 6 months ago and they are amazing fish. Thick and chunky, short blunt snouts and big heads. Many of his fish are from unrelated wild pairs. Mine ended up being a very nice grab bag. I got a barred male/female breeding pair, a super fast growing orange male, a second male that is all orange with black tipped fins and a pie bald female. I lost the smallest one early on before it had a chance to mature.
How's his packing of the fish? There have been past reports that they were less than optimal.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
I can take some when I get home. I might actually be willing to sell my biggest male because he has no interest in the little pie bald female and I currently have him in with my peacock bass. He's probably about 7 inches. Real nice specimen.
Oh I'm in Oregon about an hour south of Portland.
Might be a possibility, we can talk about this in a PM.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 23, 2009
Lakewood, WA
I had forgot to add my Hoga into this thread. This is where I was discussing them:

For fish that I never see eat, they have put on a little size already and they have mellowed from when they first got into the tank. They are all a good 5"+

This was just after adding to tank from a 5g bucket, all stressed out. They really look good now.
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